C# 窗体自动关机源码
现在我们用visual C#来编写一个多功能的关机程序。该程序具有:定时关机、源码倒计时关机、源码关机提醒、源码系统信息获取等四项功能,源码 可设定关机时间精确到秒。并且让你很快掌握Visual C#中对API的源码小程序源码电影操作程序。
一. 设计关闭Windows窗体
1. 界面的源码设计
控件名 类别 Text 控件名 类别 Text
CheckBox1 CheckBox 自动关机 GroupBox1 GroupBox 当前系统时间
CheckBox1 CheckBox 倒计时执行操作 GroupBox2 GroupBox 设定时间
CheckBox1 CheckBox 定时报警 TxtTime TextBox
ButCancle Button 取消 SetupTime DateTimePicker
ButReOpen Button 重新启动 SetupDate DateTimePicker
ButClose Button 关机 Timer1 Timer
ButSysInto Button 系统信息 ButReLogin Button 注消
2. 在窗体类中引用API函数
API函数是源码构筑Windows应用程序的基石,是源码Windows编程的必备利器。每一种Windows应用程序开发工具都提供了间接或直接调用了Windows API函数的源码方法,或者是源码调用Windows API函数的接口,也就是源码分享群源码说具备调用动态连接库的能力。Visual C#和其它开发工具一样也能够调用动态链接库的API函数。
在Visual C#中调用API的基本过程:
首先,在调用API之前,你必须先导入System.Runtime.InteropServices这个名称空间。该名称空间包含了在Visual C#中调用API的一些必要集合,具体的方法如下:
using System.Runtime.InteropServices ;
using System.Text ;
在导入了名称空间后,我们要声明在程序中所要用到的上大人源码API函数。我们的程序主要是获取系统的相关信息,所以用到的API函数都是返回系统信息的。先给出在Visual C#中声明API的方法:
[ DllImport("user") ]
public static extern long SetWindowPos(long hwnd , long hWndInsertAfter, long X , long y , long cx, long cy, long wFlagslong) ;
[ DllImport("user") ]
public static extern long ExitWindowsEx(long uFlags, long dwReserved ) ;
[ DllImport("shell") ]
public static extern long ShellAbout(long uFlags, long dwReserved ) ;
3. 增加窗体类的变量
long dwReserved ;
const int SHUTDOWN = 1 ;
const int REBOOT = 2 ;
const int LOGOFF = 0 ;
long sh ;
int counter , n ;
4. 编写窗体类的方法
private void frmmain1_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e )
Time.Text = System.DateTime.Today.ToShortDateString( ) + " "+ System.DateTime.Today.ToLongTimeString( ) ;
/ / 在组件Timer1的OnTimer事件过程中编写如下代码:
private void Timer1_Timer(object sender, System.EventArgs e )
string CurrDate=System.DateTime.Today.ToShortDateString( ) ;
string CurrTime=System.DateTime.Today.ToShortTimeString( ) ;
if( this.CheckBox1.Checked == true )
if(CurrDate== SetupDate.ToString( ) && CurrTime==SetupTime.ToString( ) )
ColseComputer( ) ;
private void ColseComputer( )
{ sh = ExitWindowsEx(SHUTDOWN, dwReserved) ; }
private void button1_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e )
Form2 frm=new Form2( ) ;
frm.Show( ) ;
private void ButReOpen_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e )
{ sh = ExitWindowsEx(REBOOT, dwReserved) ; }
private void ButReLogin_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e )
{ sh = ExitWindowsEx(LOGOFF, dwReserved) ; }
private void ButCancle_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e )
{ this.Close( ) ; }
private void ButClose_Click_1(object sender, System.EventArgs e )
{ sh = ExitWindowsEx(REBOOT, dwReserved) ; }
二. 设计获取系统信息的Windows窗体
1. 界面的设计
2. 在窗体类中引用API函数
using System.Runtime.InteropServices ;
using System.Text ;
[ DllImport("kernel") ]
public static extern void GetWindowsDirectory(StringBuilder WinDir,int count) ;
[ DllImport("kernel") ]
public static extern void GetSystemDirectory(StringBuilder SysDir,int count) ;
[ DllImport("kernel") ]
public static extern void GetSystemInfo(ref CPU_INFO cpuinfo) ;
[ DllImport("kernel") ]
public static extern void GlobalMemoryStatus(ref MEMORY_INFO meminfo) ;
[ DllImport("kernel") ]
public static extern void GetSystemTime(ref SYSTEMTIME_INFO stinfo) ;
3. 定义以下各结构
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential) ]
public struct CPU_INFO
public uint dwOemId ;
public uint dwPageSize ;
public uint lpMinimumApplicationAddress ;
public uint lpMaximumApplicationAddress ;
public uint dwActiveProcessorMask ;
public uint dwNumberOfProcessors ;
public uint dwProcessorType ;
public uint dwAllocationGranularity ;
public uint dwProcessorLevel ;
public uint dwProcessorRevision ;
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential) ]
public struct MEMORY_INFO
public uint dwLength ;
public uint dwMemoryLoad ;
public uint dwTotalPhys ;
public uint dwAvailPhys ;
public uint dwTotalPageFile ;
public uint dwAvailPageFile ;
public uint dwTotalVirtual ;
public uint dwAvailVirtual ;
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential) ]
public struct SYSTEMTIME_INFO
public ushort wYear ;
public ushort wMonth ;
public ushort wDayOfWeek ;
public ushort wDay ;
public ushort wHour ;
public ushort wMinute ;
public ushort wSecond ;
public ushort wMilliseconds ;
5. 编写窗体类的方法
private void button1_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e )
const int nChars = ;
StringBuilder Buff = new StringBuilder(nChars) ;
GetWindowsDirectory(Buff,nChars) ;
WindowsDirectory.Text = "Windows路径:"+Buff.ToString( ) ;
GetSystemDirectory(Buff,nChars) ;
SystemDirectory.Text = " 系统路径:"+Buff.ToString( ) ;
CPU_INFO CpuInfo ;
CpuInfo = new CPU_INFO( ) ;
GetSystemInfo(ref CpuInfo) ;
NumberOfProcessors.Text = "本计算机中有"+CpuInfo.dwNumberOfProcessors.ToString( ) +"个CPU";
ProcessorType.Text = "CPU的类型为"+CpuInfo.dwProcessorType.ToString( ) ;
ProcessorLevel.Text = "CPU等级为"+CpuInfo.dwProcessorLevel.ToString( ) ;
OemId.Text = "CPU的OEM ID为"+CpuInfo.dwOemId.ToString( ) ;
PageSize.Text = "CPU中的页面大小为"+CpuInfo.dwPageSize.ToString( ) ;
MemInfo = new MEMORY_INFO( ) ;
GlobalMemoryStatus(ref MemInfo) ;
MemoryLoad.Text = MemInfo.dwMemoryLoad.ToString( ) +"%的内存正在使用" ;
TotalPhys.Text = "物理内存共有"+MemInfo.dwTotalPhys.ToString( ) +"字节" ;
AvailPhys.Text = "可使用的物理内存有"+MemInfo.dwAvailPhys.ToString( ) +"字节" ;
TotalPageFile.Text = "交换文件总大小为"+MemInfo.dwTotalPageFile.ToString( ) +"字节" ;
AvailPageFile.Text = "尚可交换文件大小为"+MemInfo.dwAvailPageFile.ToString( ) +"字节" ;
TotalVirtual.Text = "总虚拟内存有"+MemInfo.dwTotalVirtual.ToString( ) +"字节" ;
AvailVirtual.Text = "未用虚拟内存有"+MemInfo.dwAvailVirtual.ToString( ) +"字节" ;
StInfo = new SYSTEMTIME_INFO( ) ;
GetSystemTime(ref StInfo) ;
Date.Text = StInfo.wYear.ToString( ) +"年"+StInfo.wMonth.ToString( ) +"月"+StInfo.wDay.ToString( ) +"日" ;
Time.Text = (StInfo.wHour+8).ToString( ) +"点"+StInfo.wMinute.ToString( ) +"分"+StInfo.wSecond.ToString( ) +"秒" ;
三. 结束语。
上面介绍了Visual C#开发多功能关机程序的整个过程,该程序有一定的实用价值。通过本文的学习,我相信稍有API使用基础的开发者可以马上触类旁通,很快掌握Visual C#中对API的操作。上面给出的实例仅仅是一个简单的程序,不过有兴趣的读者可以进一步完善其功能,做出更完美的系统应用程序。
' 渲染子程序,将新的帧数据渲染到 lpDIBitsRender 中
' 算法:
' posx = Wave1(x-1,y)-Wave1(x+1,y)+x
' posy = Wave1(x,y-1)-Wave1(x,y+1)+y
' SourceBmp(x,y) = DestBmp(posx,posy)
Public Sub WaveRender(lpWaveObject As WAVE_OBJECT)
Dim dwPosX As Long, dwPosY As Long, dwPtrSource As Long, dwPtrDest As Long, dwFlag As Long
Dim lpWave1 As Long, LineIdx As Long, LinePtr As Long
Dim lpDIBitsSource As Long, lpDIBitsRender As Long
Dim I As Long, J As Long
dwFlag = 0
With lpWaveObject
'Debug.Print "WaveRender " & .dwFlag
If (.dwFlag And F_WO_ACTIVE) = 0 Then Exit Sub
.dwFlag = .dwFlag Or F_WO_NEED_UPDATE
lpWave1 = .lpWave1
LineIdx = .dwWaveByteWidth '像素指针
For I = 1 To .dwBmpHeight - 2
For J = 0 To .dwBmpWidth - 1
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